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The inspiration for Strawberry Saturn.



A shift in perspective

I have always loved the reminder from Randy Pausch that goes, "It's not about the cards you're dealt, but how you play the hand."

The predominant lesson of my life thus far has been that we are all empowered beings, and we have the ability to improve our circumstances and environment through courage, perspective, creativity, and persistence.

So the question becomes not if we can change our lives, but what to try first, and what we would like instead.

What is possible? What are we called towards?  How can we attract more abundance and joy?


I believe that finding the answers to these questions begins with self-discovery. 


The more we can explore who we are, the more we can align with our needs, desires, and potential.

My quest to better understand myself has lead me through concepts of psychology, spirituality, and metaphysical frameworks such as astrology and Human Design.

It's been a rewarding journey, and will forever be ongoing!

As I continue to grow and explore, I would like to share my learnings along the way. 


My hope is that these shared ideas will help others as they navigate their own path.

Introduction to metaphysics


The Podcast


My background

Introduction to metaphysics

I began dabbling astrology with my sister in 2018, and received my first Human Design reading in 2019.

I began seriously studying both systems in 2020 during the pandemic, due to the long stretches of time in which I found myself at home.

It is around that time that I really started to grasp the potential of using both systems to better explore myself and others. 

Since then I have also begun to study the Gene Keys, by Richard Rudd.

I practice a blend of modern and traditional astrology techniques, and use my experience and intuition to tailor my readings to the needs of my clients.

In Human Design am a 1/3 self-projected Projector, with a Cross of Maya incarnation cross.

In astrology I have a Capricorn sun, Pisces moon, and Virgo rising. ✨

Thus far my knowledge of astrology has largely been influenced by the writings and teachings of the following astrologers (in no particular order):

  • Christopher Brennan

  • Dalanah

  • Anne Ortelee

  • Christopher Renstrom

  • Frank Clifford

  • Jan Spiller

  • Liz Greene

  • Molly McCord

Much of my knowledge of Human Design and the Gene Keys comes from the following practitioners:

  • Emma Dunwoody

  • Jess Bubbico

  • ​Janet Harrison​​​

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